How to measure low employee engagement—and fix it

  • Post published:10/02/2021
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Employee engagementImagine you have a team of 10 employees using a rope to pull a big rock up a steep hill. The picture:

  • Two people are pulling with all they can.
  • Seven people are pulling so so — not at full force.
  • One person is sitting down, not pulling at all, has given up.

Employee Engagement Tool

If your people are disengaged, this picture above is exactly what’s happening in your workplace every day. And it is preventing you from reaching your business goals.

Just imagine what your company could achieve if all employees pulling in the same direction at full force! The revolutionary PI Diagnose solution makes this dream a reality.

What causes low employee engagement?

Employee engagementThe Predictive Index researchers have identified four forces that destroy staff engagement.

  • Misalignment with the job
  • Misalignment with the manager
  • Misalignment with the team
  • Misalignment with the organization

Your company might be fighting against one of these forces—or all four.

In any case, you have employees who do the bare minimum to avoid getting fired. Actively engaged employees go above and beyond because they’re emotionally committed to your company’s success.

The PI Employee Experience Survey measures employee engagement across the four categories—and delivers a custom action plan so you can fix what’s broken or keep doing more of what’s working well.

What is the PI Employee Experience Survey?

The Employee Experience Survey measures employee engagement. It provides employees with a chance to provide candid, confidential feedback across four categories:

  • Job
  • Manager
  • Team
  • Organization

It’s these four special categories that determine whether your people feel engaged or disengaged.

PI Employee Experience Survey delivers personalized action plans

Employee engagementWhat good are engagement scores if you don’t know how to act on them?

Wonder no more! PI tells you exactly what to do; it’s like turn-by-turn directions for boosting engagement in your teams.

The PI Employee Experience Survey also provides you with macro (company-wide) and micro (team level) reporting. Every manager with five or more employees gets their own team report.

This isolates problems that aren’t widespread—but should be fixed. Team-level reporting also isolates high-performing teams. When you understand what’s working well you can use that insight to develop your other managers.

Too many companies are blind to their own employee realities

Don’t assume your people are engaged and bought into your business plan and vision. Know where employee engagement is strong and where it’s suffering.

When the survey closes, you’ll get reports that explain why your employees feel disengaged—and what you’re doing well—so you can take action.

Tom Sorensen

Tom Sorensen is an executive search veteran with over 25 years of experience recruiting in Asia, Europe, and Africa. He has worked in executive search in Thailand since 2003 and is recognized as one of the country’s top recruiters and most profiled headhunters.